What Does Modern Leadership Really Mean?

Inspiring article on the expectations of the millennial workforce towards their leaders and the approaches of millennial leaders in their roles. Personally, I find the influence of millennials on our understanding of leadership and management refreshing. It is a true fresh breeze for our leadership development. #leadership #millennials #modernleadership https://www.business.com/articles/leadership-styles-millennials/

The Truth Why Traditional Coaching Does Not Work

When I came across this article, I thought I would find a critical discussion about traditional coaching methods. Then I read it and realized that it was obviously written by someone who has never met a good coach. I have had some of the greatest breakthroughs during coaching processes and it wouldn’t have been possible with the professional know-how and experience of the respective coaches. And by becoming a certified coach by myself, I want Read more…

10 Reasons Why Soft Skills are Important to Employers

Creativity and critical thinking, emotional intelligence, data analysis, adaptability – these are four of the top skills of the future. The video in this article gives a deeper insight into those skills and the article itself nicely explains the benefits of shaping you soft skills and becoming more valuable for your employer. I have always believed in life-long learning and continuously shaping your skills. So I always enjoy reading articles like this that give me Read more…

The Top 5 Struggles of Christian Business Leaders

„The truly scarce commodity in today’s business culture is not knowledge, accurate metrics or access to markets, but wisdom.“ – I just love this phrase from the linked article and I often feel the same. Bringing together your faith and values with common business practices can be challenging, but fortunately “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. (James 1:5)”. #christianleadership Read more…

How to Win the War for Talent

Being in a recruiting process myself at the moment, I can totally relate to this article. I see companies making you wait for weeks without any progress or feedback, while others move fast and flexible are seem genuinely interested in getting job seekers into their company. I have done interviews along the old-fashioned questioning about strengths and weaknesses, and I have had interviews that felt more like an exchange on eye level. The recruiting attitude Read more…

How to tell if your leaders need a burnout coach

When I look around in my environment, people are exhausted from the last two years at home. While we do have a lot of offerings in our company on mindfulness and self-management, employees and leaders first need to recognize their need for such offerings. When internal offerings are not sufficient and external support is needed, coaching can be a very good tool to support people in developing and strengthening their resilience in the workplace. #coaching Read more…

Fitter, flatter, faster: How unstructuring your organization can unlock massive value

Many organizations have realized that they need to become faster and more agile. Yet the actual organizational forms seem to remain unchanged. Why does nobody dare to touch the existing structures? New forms of organization change the role of a leader massively. No longer is the leadership position one of power and hierarchy, but it needs to be one of guidance, direction, people development. Not everybody is ready to make this change yet, but I Read more…

Strength-based Leadership

Focusing on strengths has become the new mantra. And I strongly believe that people should be enabled to use their strengths to the maximum. However, just like we overdid it with the focus on weaknesses and improvement of the same, there is also a risk in overuse of strength-based leadership. The article summarizes these risks very well. #leadership #strengts #growthmindset  Read more

How Extraordinary Leaders Are Made

Leadership is a passion for me, and so I decided many years ago that I want to become the best leader I could possibly be. I am still not there yet, but I keep learning and improving my leadership skills. The article gives valuable insights on the development of extraordinary leaders and it really encourages me to keep going on my development journey.  #leadership #leadershipskills Read more