57 Diversity in the Workplace Statistics You Should Know

A rich source of statistics for everyone interested in diversity and inclusion in the workplace. While the statistics are based on US studies, there are still countless conclusions that are true in most of the western world. It is still amazing to me that so many studies point to diverse companies being more successful to stakeholders, business managers and even the employees themselves, there is still such a major gap in most companies’ diversity statistics. Read more…

10 Best Coaching Apps In 2022

Recently, I was involved in setting up a coaching initiative in our company and we were also looking at tool support for our coaching processes. I found it quite fascinating to see how a coaching app can support the process as well as the quality assurance and thus make coaching more efficient and easier scalable. However, we were looking at this from a large company point of view, and so I was pleased to find Read more…

Why Blended Learning Must Be The Go-To Strategy For Your Leadership Training Programs

I agree with the recommendations of this article regarding redesigning leadership training completely from the scratch. Currently, I see more attempts to transfer the traditional training into the virtual world with the minimum amount of changes, so a complete redesign with all the modern possibilities makes sense. However, in my experience the success of leadership training was rarely prevented by content or structure, but rather by organizational mindset. I have gone through a number of Read more…

A record number of women are now running Global 500 businesses

While the trend is showing in the right direction, the numbers of female leaders in large businesses is still way too low. Also, the speed of change still seems to be very slow from my perspective. I think that women still need to sacrifice more than men for successful careers and that in addition to the general bias, our existing structures in companies do not favor women in leadership. Knowing quite a number of women Read more…

The helix organization

The concept of the helix organization is intriguing. I have never worked in such a company structure, but I have like most experienced the challenges of matrix organizations in our continuously accelerating businesses. The descriptions and use cases seem sound and I would be very interested to experience working in such an organization. #organization #agility #futureleadership https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/people-and-organizational-performance/our-insights/the-helix-organization

7 priorities aspiring technology leaders need to adopt

I find the increasing interaction and convergence between humans and technology fascinating. The article points out a number of issues to be addressed in the process of successfully implementing such technologies. The one thing I would add is the mindset of the employees in relation to new technologies and digitalization. Companies can have the best technologies for the future, but they will have a hard time if the employees are unwilling to try out new Read more…

What Is a Business Consultant?

This is a simple and straight-forward article for entrepreneurs or small companies who are planning to hire a business consultant for the first time. It‘s not groundbreaking, but it provides useful advice and hands-on tips to make a good selection and improve your chances of successful implementation. #entrepreneurs #consultants https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/4610-business-consultant.html

Why the world needs more female leaders

I still find it difficult to believe that companies would so easily miss out on 50% of the available workforce due to gender bias. And while it might be unlikely, I still hope that I will see the day during my career, when we no longer talk about the gender of a leader, but simply hire the best person to do the job. #leadership #genderbias #womeninleadership https://www.duuoo.io/post/why-the-world-needs-more-female-leaders